Online learning can be more solid than classroom.

We are so lucky to have met teacher Suli, I feel my kid can actually progress faster than his 5 hours a week classroom at school. Best of all, teacher Suli would also spend her private time to organise and prepare tailored material for each of her student, and this is one of the thing we appreciate the most.

Lehrer in der Geschichte

15 €
/ 50 Min.
4 €
/ Schnupperstunde
EnglischB2 Oberstufe
EnglischB2 Oberstufe
🍀 Native sans accent (et qui se débrouille aussi en anglais) 🍀 Maman qui instruit ses enfants 🍀 De formation PAO, correctrice-relectrice 🍀 Passionnée par la grande Histoire et la petite Histoire de France. 🍀 Passionnée par la langue française, ses travers comme ses merveilles 🍀 Pédagogue, joyeuse, progressons ensemble!

1 Kommentare

  • If I had known that one day I would be a teacher! Moreover, an online teacher, and that I would receive so many words of gratitude from the parents of my students or from my adult students... I would never have believed it. Life sometimes takes us on such unexpected paths... Thank you to all my students, to all the parents, they brighten each of my days and deep down, I don't ask for more!"