A Journey to Learn!

Many people feel like they can’t learn any languages anymore. That’s not true at all. If you want to do it, you’re gonna have to try. Follow my story, and experience it with me.

My name is Joie, and I am a 9-year-old-girl. I’m from Sweden, but I was born in Taiwan, my home country. The native language there is Chinese, although I can speak, understand, write better in English. That’s probably because I've been to Sweden for like two-thirds of my life.

I think these questions were very important to me. Why did I learn English when I was so young? Why not just skip it for the future? I thought about not learning at all, but then something hit me. I wanted to flow with my fellow classmates. I wanted to laugh, talk, joke along with them.

You might think it was a piece of cake learning English, but it wasn’t. There were challenges. And I fought my best to conquer them. One of the biggest challenges was how I felt going to school on my first few days. My nerves were wracking. Everything felt difficult, having to learn a complete new language. Despite that, the teachers and students welcomed me. And their courage and hope gave me the confidence I needed. You don’t get that often, and my parents were gratified. Then, it was as if the things I needed to conquer were getting smoother, each step more closer to my goal.

When I finished preschool, I started primary school. Now, I’ve experienced my first English education, so I was more prepared, but still nervous. Again, my teachers were all helpful, guided me to learn, while having fun. I had a specific mentor who taught me in a sharp, but humorful way. I was educated all the way to 4rth grade, until I had to go.

On my flight back, I thought, How am I going to keep my English from now on? That’s when the miracle came.
I was bored one afternoon during my quarantine, watching a mosquito buzz by (There are quite a few mosquitoes the place I live in).
“Joie, we found a platform that can, well, keep your English.” My mom said. “It’s called AmazingTalker.”
“Huh?” I said, just realizing that she was telling me, added, “Uh...okay, thanks Mom.”
Truthfully, I wasn’t even interested, but I thought, give it a try.
The next day we started our first lesson. I think it was because of COVID-19, we spoke up through ZOOM. I remember using my mom’s computer, and I introduced myself to Roxy, my mentor. When my lesson was done, I left my seat, grinning broadly at my mom.
“What do you think?” Mom asked, curiously.
“It’s awesome! When’s the next lesson?”
“Great!” Mom exclaimed, she added, “Oh, we’ll see when we can book the next lesson.”

Now, I still can keep my language I used most of my life, with an extraordinary foreigner, in English. I give a billion thanks to Roxy!
Oh, and remember that learning isn’t hard, it just takes time. Go out and meet the world, and conquer it with all you’ve got.

9 Kommentare

  • 對你有益。
    - 對您在每堂課中的表現進行綜合評估,例如,可以包括以下內容:
    - 你擅長的領域:請你的導師對你的長處進行全面評估並記錄下來,以便你專注於其他領域[弱點]
    - 你的語法錯誤和句子結構錯誤:你所有的錯誤都應該被記錄下來,作為你學習進度的參考。
    - 改進建議:應評估您的弱點,並相應地提供改進建議。
    - 專門針對你的弱點的作業,例如,如果你有語法問題,那麼作業將集中在語法上。


    - 請您的導師專注於英語語言的各個方面,例如聽力、閱讀、語法、閱讀理解策略、批判性思維技巧、寫作技巧、詞彙擴展技巧等,以確保您發展英語的所有領域語言同時。
    - 您可以建議額外的資源,例如視頻、音頻文件和文章,以幫助您更好地欣賞所學內容。祝您學習之旅順利。

  • Thanks everyone!
  • Nice
  • Working hard will be paid.Nice! Joie. Keep going!
  • Sehr Gut!!!
  • This is very good Joie!
  • Hi Joie! This is a very good article!
  • Thank you for sharing your story Joie! You know where to find me whenever you want practice some Swedish. We miss you here in the cold north.
  • So inspiring!! Thank you for sharing your journey in learning English. Roxy is a brilliant mentor!