🌼io teacher 📺 Foreign Japanese teacher at Tokyo Elementary School 🏅 Teaching more than 10 years
20years of teaching experience
2298 Sitzungen abgeschlossen
Sofortige Nachhilfe
EnglischB1 Mittelstufe
🔥 What is Mr. Io like? 🔥
🌎🎌 Living in Tokyo for more than 20 years
👩🏫 Japanese teacher at an elementary school in Tokyo
🌎 Japanese TV program 📺 celebrity interpretation
🏫 Translated version of Shinsegae Language Institute in Japan
⛩ I am a Korean language instructor at the Japanese immigration office.
🏮 I am a Korean instructor at a public company in Japan.
🎎 420 hours of Japanese teacher qualification
🔥 Different teaching experiences enable you to teach at a certain level🔥
🌟 Understand the difficulties of learning a new language (English, Japanese, English acquisition)
🔥 With overflowing energy 🔥 💚️ ‼ A class where you can relax 🥰
The subject of the 💛 lecture is 💖
📍 Who wants to learn hiragana first
📍 Who wants to study Japanese grammar first
📍 Who wants to learn Japanese as a hobby
📍 Who wants to speak Japanese well
📍 For those preparing to travel to Japan
📍 Who wants to make Japanese friends
📍 Who wants to talk in Japanese when traveling to Japan
📍 If you are interested in Japanese cultural content such as J-drama, J-pop, and animation
📍 People who need Japanese for business
🔥 The effects of this teacher's lecture 🔥
✅⭕ Individual goal count up.
✅⭕ Speech during class is given to students, not teachers
✅⭕ Natural Japanese spoken by native speakers
✅⭕ Doubling Girl can clearly convey the meaning
✅⭕ Use the textbook that students want
✅⭕ Clear basic grammar description
✅⭕ After setting a goal, clearly present the vocabulary, grammar, and homework you need
✅⭕ More than 10 years of teaching experience can respond to all levels
✅⭕ The experience of teaching children in elementary school can be kindly explained to children
✅⭕ Homework, diary, questions, etc. are delivered through the line
📚 Student-tailored classes 📚
📍 Each student prepares a class according to the topic of interest
📍 Admission, beginner, intermediate, and advanced professional classes
📍 Class by short-term purpose
🛫 (hotels, hotels, restaurants, subways, shopping, etc.)
🎯Introduction to Japanese 🔰
💎 Subject of the lecture (first time studying Japanese) 💎
🎯 Goals
🔰 Hiragana.Write your name in Katakana
🔰 Introduce yourself and express your greetings
🔰 Read simple words
🔰 Write the word in hiragana
🎯 Beginner course
💎 Subject of lecture 💎 Beginner (for those who can read hiragana but are not good at talking)
🎯 Goals
✅ Introduce yourself
✅ Read and speak slowly in Japanese
✅ Talk about the weather
✅ Simple expression of intention
✅ Pharmacy. Tell hospital symptoms
✅ Expressions related to weekends and vacations
✅Learning basic grammar
✅ You can write a diary in simple sentences
✅ Reading and dictating words
🎯 Intermediate
💎 Subject of lecture 💎 Intermediate (If you want to express Japanese more naturally)
🎯 Goals
✅ Natural emotional expression
✅ Expression of various places and public facilities
a ✅ hospital. Tell me the symptoms in detail at the pharmacy
✅ Use honorifics and informal language to suit the situation
✅ Expressing intermediate grammar and indirect speech
✅ Writing a daily diary, writing a university report
✅ Read and write sentences correctly
🎯 Advanced
💎 Subject of lecture 💎 Advanced (If you want to speak Japanese like a native speaker)
🎯 Goals
✅ Natural native expression
✅ Understanding the conversation of native speakers
✅ Understand and express opinions on professional topics
✅ Read newspapers and books and express your opinions and presentations on the subject
✅ Speak sentences at native speed
🎯 Business
💎 Lecture Target 💎 Advanced (If you want to speak Japanese in the context of the business)
🎯 Goals
✅ Natural native expression
✅ Understanding the conversation of native speakers
✅ Talk about relative honorifics in Japanese
✅ Company, RainSpeaking and presenting in appropriate vocabulary to Zness
🎯 Advanced
💎 Subject of lecture 💎 Advanced (If you want to speak Japanese like a native speaker)
🎯 Goals
✅ Natural native expression
✅ Understanding the conversation of native speakers
✅ Understand and express opinions on professional topics
✅ Read newspapers and books and express your opinions and presentations on the subject
✅ Speak sentences at native speed
😍 J-pop🎶 J-drama Korean🌈 animation
💎 Subject of lecture 💎 Beginner or higher
✅ Favorite J-pop, Learning Japanese through J-drama
✅ Repeat listening and speaking with learned expressions
✅ Learning grammar from a drama
✅ Know the meaning of lyrics that you don't know from J-pop
✅ Learn sentences from animation
🌎Travel in Japanese 🛍️
at 🛫 Airport
✅ Check in after leaving your luggage
At the 🏚️ restaurant
✅ Order and pay for food
🚘 In a taxi
✅ Say your destination and calculate
At the 🏨 Hotel
✅ Check in and request what you need
🛍 Shopping
✅ Say the name of the item you need, listen to the price, and pay
✅ Apply it to the situation and try role-playing
💛Planning a three-day trip to Tokyo
💖 Say what you want to say while learning Japanese
First, please apply for the 📍 25-minute demo class.
With the 🔖 demo class, I'll check your Japanese skills and you'll understand the atmosphere of the 👩 class.
🗣 Feel free to ask questions! Or apply for a demo class (^^♪)
❗️Classroom Rules ❕
Bring pens and notebooks to collect useful expressions in class.
↘️ Always check the connection and device before class starts.
↘️ Cancel class 24 hours before class. If you need to cancel the class within 24 hours, please let me know what the app/AT is.
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2023 bis jetzt 일본 도쿄 슨다이 외국어 전문학교
2011 - 2021 NOVA영어 학원
2015 - 2019 도쿄 외국어 전문학교
2019 - 2020 도쿄 관광 전문학교
2015 - 2016 도쿄도 다이토쿠 초등학교
1994 - 1999 문화 여자 대학교 일본어 문화학과 Zertifikat hochgeladen
2015 - 2016 휴먼 아카데미 일본어 교사 양성 Zertifikat hochgeladen
2017 - 2019 경희사이버대학교 한국어학과 Zertifikat hochgeladen
Korean Language Teacher Qualification 한국어교원 자격증 Zertifikat hochgeladen
2023 bis jetzt 일본 도쿄 슨다이 외국어 전문학교
2011 - 2021 NOVA영어 학원
2015 - 2019 도쿄 외국어 전문학교
2019 - 2020 도쿄 관광 전문학교
2015 - 2016 도쿄도 다이토쿠 초등학교
1994 - 1999
문화 여자 대학교
일본어 문화학과 Zertifikat hochgeladen
2015 - 2016
휴먼 아카데미
일본어 교사 양성 Zertifikat hochgeladen
2017 - 2019
한국어학과 Zertifikat hochgeladen
Korean Language Teacher Qualification 한국어교원 자격증 Zertifikat hochgeladen
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Wenn der Lehrer nicht online ist, kann die nächste verfügbare Unterrichtsstunde erst nach 24 Stunden gebucht werden.
Die Dauer einer Schnupperstunde beträgt 25 Minuten.
Die Dauer einer regulären Unterrichtsstunde beträgt 50 Minuten.
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Wie man bucht
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Wenn der Lehrer nicht online ist, kann die nächste verfügbare Unterrichtsstunde erst nach 24 Stunden gebucht werden.
Die Dauer einer Schnupperstunde beträgt 25 Minuten.
Die Dauer einer regulären Unterrichtsstunde beträgt 50 Minuten.
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Bitte klicken Sie auf "Problem melden", wenn Sie auf irgendwelche Probleme gestoßen sind, und der Lehrer wird danach entscheiden, ob der Unterricht verschoben oder in AT-Münzen zurückerstattet wird.
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